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Damoa Gong #16 Elephant Head Raising

  1. Open your feet as wide as your shoulders with toes pointing to the front while grabbing the ground with them.
  2. Cover your ears with both hands. You should have a firm grip of the back of your head with your fingers. The center of your palms should be covering your ears as shown above.
  3. Bend your upper body down and forward with your elbows pointing outward and eventually touching your knees.
  4. Breathe from diaphragm into the middle stomach and raise your torso up. At the same time, push your elbow out as far as possible. From this position, hold your breath for 5 seconds. Raise your head and focus your eyes directly toward the front.
  5. Exhale and bring your body to the upright position and relax. Repeat 12 times.


Ejection of chi (qi) into the ears and around the scapulae enhances the ear functions. This form is also beneficial for the liver and kidneys.

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